If you delete or To delete unwanted geometry, select it

NOTE: During the geometry creation of this tutorial, if you make a mistake you can undo thelast step using the Undo icon. Use the Fit icon to fit the drawing to the screen. Select the Ok button to exit the command. Make sure that when selecting the Origin, the visual cue of the cursor changes as shown. Select the Origin as shown in Figure 3.0.1. Press Enter after typing the values to see a preview of the rectangle.
Select the Ok button to exit the dialog box.ĬREATE A RECTANGLE TO CREATE THE OUTSIDE BOUNDARYĬREATE A RECTANGLE TO CREATE THE OUTSIDE BOUNDARYIn this step you will learn how to create a rectangle knowing the width, the height and the anchor position.Ĭreate Rectangle Enter the Width and the Height and make sure that Anchor to Center is enabled as shown below. Select the color Green #10 by either entering in the number in the current color area or selecting it from the pallet as shown below. Left Click on the System Color button in the status bar. NOTE: You may skip this step if your color is already set to Green 10. SET THE CONSTRUCTION PLANE AND CHANGE CURRENT COLORSelect the Front (WCS) icon from the toolbars. SET THE CONSTRUCTION PLANE AND CHANGE CURRENT COLOR If it is hidden press Alt+O to display it. Select the Solids Manager to the left of the screen. See Getting started page A-6 for further information. It will show you where the part origin is. See Getting started page A-4 for details. SETTING UP THE GRAPHIC USER INTERFACEBefore starting the geometry creation we should customize the toolbars to see the toolbars required to create the geometry and create a solid part. Create a solid body by revolving a chain Cut holes through the solid by extruding circles. The Student will create the solid using: Changing the main color. Using the trim command to clean up the geometry. TUTORIAL #2Objectives:The Student will design 2-D wireframe in the Top and Front Cplane using: Creating a rectangle anchored to a center point. A-1 TutorialsTutorial #1 Tutorial #2 Tutorial #3 Tutorial #4 Tutorial #5 Tutorial #6 Tutorial #7 Tutorial #8. Solids Training Tutorial ContentsGetting Started.
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